Mental Health Psychotherapy

Integrating mind and body to lead to lasting change


Psychotherapy services are available to residents of Maryland and Pennsylvania through an online, secure platform.


Individual therapy, on your time.

Here are some things my clients typically face:

  • Anxiety

  • Perfectionism

  • OCD

  • Work/School-Related Stress & Burnout

  • Chronic Worry

  • Panic

Here’s what we’ll do:

My intake process requires a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond your family history and symptoms. We will get a sense of your psychological history of course, but also spend some time diving into your:

  • environment/intersectionality

  • nutrition

  • social support

  • sleep

  • technology use

  • movement

Why? Because this is all part of your story, and in order to provide the best outcomes, I want to know all of it. I want to know your wind-down routine, favorite snacks, and the name of your coworker driving you crazy. Perfection is NOT the goal. The goal is to recognize and acknowledge all of the contributing factors to your wellness, and I promise you, it’s not all in your head.

Why does nutrition matter?

Our relationships with food can be confusing. I like to help individuals re-examine this relationship so we can view what we eat (and its many nutrients, vitamins, and minerals) as a source of fuel for the parts of our body and mind that help us live fulfilling lives. Being mindful of ensuring we are getting enough nutrients is an excellent (but often missed) tool to aid with our mental health and wellness goals.